In Haiti

6 ladies were in Haiti for 2 weeks. We were helping and giving at orphanages and for building projects. Be a part of this and pray and/or give!!

Trip to the Baptist Mission and Maxins Orphanage on Thurs Sep 1

Our day started early, with a long drive up the mountains. It was both beautiful and heartbreaking, as our view got better and we could see more of the tent cities and homes. I found it so refreshing to have a break from the intense heat that has been between 35 and 40 degrees Celcius since we got here. Add to that the most intense humidity, similar to a sauna, and it was just what the doctor ordered J We headed up to the Baptist Mission, where we did most of our souvenir shopping, and I got to do some bartering for the first time in several years! It was SO fun!!! The girls often felt bad bartering down from what they first ask, but it’s part of the culture and a way to make friends! I loved this part, and the laughter that the bartering causes J It was kinda fun to be the tourist this trip! I kinda fought that whole process, the tourist thing, as I always found them so ridiculous and offensive, but it was sure fun this time embracing my tourist side! Haha!
There were 52 children in the tiniest orphanage you can even imagine. I honestly have no idea where they put all those children, we were seriously bumping into each other! When we got there, they sang lots of songs to us - welcome songs and thank you songs, it was very humbling for me. I truly feel the blessing is all mine to be able to give to these children and see the smile and joy on their faces.  They played so well together, were so happy and giggling, it was a balm for my heart. Many of us got very teary-eyed when we left. There was one little girl who fell asleep in my arms and cried when I had to wake her to leave. My heart was so drawn to her. On our way out, we had the blessing of seeing the new orphanage being built by funds donated by some other group from Canada.
All in all, it was an amazing day, and I thank God for this experience and for you every day!!
AS we get ready to leave now, my heart is torn. I long to go home, to the comfort and coolness. But I also long for the Lord to give me the strength to face each day that I may finish the race here well. It has truly been a blessing for me to teach a Bible study with these girls. The joy I experience when I see the light go on in their hearts is worth more than 10 trips to Haiti. It truly is a gift from God to be used in this way, to see understanding dawn on faces, to see a love for God grow. What a blessing, I am honored and humbled. Thank you all so much for your prayers. Please be praying for Kori, who has a very bad ear infection and we cant take her on the airplane with it. Pray that she would be healed up in time to fly. God bless you all.
Love you all,
Christine Mann
PS pictures are coming later, when we get home J

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