In Haiti

6 ladies were in Haiti for 2 weeks. We were helping and giving at orphanages and for building projects. Be a part of this and pray and/or give!!

Children of Grace Orphanage with Kim O’Dwyer Saturday Sep 3 2011

To see pictures of our time with Kim and her children, click here. 
To read update letters from Kim in Haiti, click here.

There is so much to say about this day that I have been procrastinating terribly! So sorry! 

One of the beautiful memories I have of Haiti is that drive. Kim does not live in Port au Prince. It was an hour and half drive out of town, where got to see a large tent city on the side of the hills, the ocean on one side and desert on the other, little villages along the way, and then there was Kim’s driveway. Well, I don’t know if you’d call it a driveway per se, but it was so cool! There are these weird cactus like trees that grew really thick to make just enough room to squeeze our van through and under. In fact, at one point, I tried leaving the side door open to let in a little much needed air, and was afraid for my life! Haha! The driver got such a laugh at my expense on that one :)

Previous to arriving at Kim’s, we met her across the road at a little oasis, a home away from home for Kim. She met us with a beautiful Haitian woman (Miss Lyn) whom God is using in so many ways. She has been a huge blessing and help to Kim, both as friend and mother figure, and also as help and guidance with Haitian culture and ministry in that little community. Kim and Miss Lyn are a force to be reckoned with!!!  The Lord has so obviously put them together, and it is a blessing to see how He has provided just what they needed in each other. And the community and children are blessed because of this meeting of the minds! And personally, I am just so glad to see Kim have someone to tell her to take a break once in a while!! 

Hmm… as I think of my first impression of Kim’s Orphanage, I would have to say peaceful. I know the rest of my team would agree with that. We waited at the front gate (which is more like a castle gate than the gates we have here) for a minute while listening to chatter and giggles from the inside. When the door opened, it was like this whole huge world opened. And through the gate, you look up to see beautiful hills, and close and to the right side is the Orphanage.  It’s beautiful and clean, with tiled floors and a lot of clean white walls. The front of the orphanage is a big open patio space, with all the children’s shoes lined up in a row in front. To the left is the cook shack, which literally is a shack- a couple sticks holding up a tarp. We were greeted by many happy, healthy children who repeatedly wanted to give us each kisses on our cheeks :-) just melted my heart!
Well, more on our day with Kim later! Bless you all this evening!

With love,
Christine Mann


  1. Thank you Christine for this note. Ms. Lyn and I are sitting here reading it and we are touched by your kindness and it is neat to hear what you saw. You describe it well and we are so thankful that your team was able to come and visit us.
    Thank you again for the money that you donated to us. We have put the money towards the addition to the church for the school. We have registered 60 kids for school all from the mountains and have never been to school before. We have also ordered school uniforms and will make sure we take pictures on our first day. We continue to pray daily for multiplication of the money that you gave us so that we can finish the building project by October 10. So thank you again for partnering with us and helping us make a difference one life at a time. and the Children of Grace children all say a big HELLO:) and they are all enjoying their beautiful new quilts. We are so blessed.

    Blessings and prayers
    Ms. Lynn and Kim

  2. Thank you for commenting Kim! It's good to hear from you :) I was wondering as i wrote that, what you would think of it!
    And it was absolutely our pleasure to be able to help you, even if it's only a little! God really provided more than i thought He would, so that was alot of fun for me :) We are spreading the word around town and the needs that are still there. God bless you both
    with love, Christine
