In Haiti

6 ladies were in Haiti for 2 weeks. We were helping and giving at orphanages and for building projects. Be a part of this and pray and/or give!!

Hurricane season has arrived and in Haiti, the rains are bringing added misery to an already desperate situation. Miriam recently returned to Haiti and we just received this letter from her, updating us on the conditions groupthere...
 June 2, 2011
Dear Family & Friends,
The rain and mosquitoes are bad here...every day I have to purchase huge truckloads of rocks to build up the low areas where water stands to avoid malaria. The tent city situation is worse and serious with the rain and mosquitoes, resulting in a lot of sickness. We expect to see a terrible outbreak of malaria and probably dengue fever. I do feel better today but just got over a bad virus that is going around. Judy (office administrator) is still very sick but trying to work.
We need the lawn mower here badly as the mosquitoes are breeding under the tall grass. Daniel (grandson) is working hard on taking care of the sewage overflow problem. He is doing a lot of digging and re-piping for a drain field. He has been fixing everything and is a tremendous help. The church roof is leaking badly.  Our next incoming team is planning to put a new roof on for us...PRAISE GOD! HIS TIMING IS PERFECT!
There is a lot of ringworm everywhere especially in the tent cities and orphanages. We are visiting as many as possible bringing food, clothing and medicine. Some of these orphanages are sooooo sad, sick and hungry. It is such a blessing to direct the teams and supplies to help them. The hunger all over Haiti is the greatest need of all.
The new President is trying hard to put new law and order in place, making stiff prison sentences for offenders. He is trying to mobilize the building of small houses in the tent cities but thousands are needed before hurricane season is in full swing.
I am working now on getting a program ready at New Life for T.B. testing and updates on all of the kid's immunizations. Since the earthquake, we have more children and employees and it is easy to overlook these important issues in the chaos.
We have a team coming in today bringing money to buy food to feed the hungry. We will also go to some of the neglected elderly as well as some orphanages and will be purchasing boxes of mosquito coils for the tent cities. 
On Sunday after church, we will hold a medical clinic at an orphanage we visited where all the kids are very sick. It was sad as they have little food, so we will cook food and bring it over in to-go cartons, bring some new clothes and games and show them a fun should be a special day for them! We will bring a few of our New Life kids over to help. 
That's it for now, more later...
Love has no border

Miriam Frederick
Director: World Harvest Missions 
New Life Children's Home in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, was established in 1977. Our desire for the children at NLCH is that each child in our care know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Our goal is to impart hope and a renewed vision for their future through teaching the wisdom of God's Word and equipping and preparing them through education and training to reach their potential as influential leaders in their homes, communities and nation. 

                                                              Please Visit our websites
World Harvest Missions                
P. O. Box 6462                              
Lake Worth, Florida 33466
(561) 868-5005

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