In Haiti

6 ladies were in Haiti for 2 weeks. We were helping and giving at orphanages and for building projects. Be a part of this and pray and/or give!!

New Life Orphanage things to know



>OUR GUEST HOUSE IS POWERED BY A GENERATOR DURING THE HOURS of 6am – 10am and again from 5pm – 11pm. Please plug in anything that needs charging during those times only.  We have a battery inverter system to power only lights and fans during those times of day… Your cooperation ensures that we have power available 24/7.

Ø Should you need extra towels, linens, water etc, please contact one of our staff.
Ø All our water is filtered. So it is safe to drink and brush your teeth with.

>You are welcome to visit the children, but please do not bring any child to the Guest House without authorization from an administrator. Please, always go through the administration to give candy, treats or presents.

>Please do not give money to the children in the orphanage or purchase items (crafts or art) from them individually, but go through the main office. Pastor Seide, Judy, or Miriam will be happy to assist you with any questions.

>Each room in the orphanage has a house mother (matant) who will always welcome the love you bring to the children.  They all need your love.  Feel free to hold, play, rock, swing or sing to them. Please feel free to walk into the buildings and make yourself at home. Our Handicapped kids sit under the mango tree from 3-5pm everyday, feel free to help wheel them over and spend time with them.

>We have devotions for the children every night at 7:00pm. Please feel free to make it a point to join them. They love having a lap to sit on or a hand to hold. Our children are very loving and you will find that you will want to spend time with them to fill them with love, but they will fill your heart with love overflowing.
We also have church every Sunday at 9am in the chapel for all of the kids and staff.

Ø All of our children are now in school.  The older kids leave at 7am and are bussed to school in town and come back at two for lunch.  The younger children are being taught here on the compound with accredited teachers and a principal. Their school was destroyed in the earthquake, so the kids are being taught in tents at this time.  We do not want to put them under concrete because they are still afraid ( as of most of Port-au Prince is).The Haitian Government requires the children to attend school six days a week, as they are trying to  catch up on the 3 months that they were not in school.

>Please coordinate all projects with Miriam, Sherry or Theodore.

>Our Guest House is here to serve you and give you a safe haven from the world outside. While we do our best to provide good meals and keep costs down, the Guest House must be able to sustain the costs of food, water, staff, toiletries and gas for the vehicles and generator.

Ø For relaxing…Please use the veranda on the second floor or sit under the mango tree. These are places of relaxation and will refresh you.
Ø Room #3 downstairs is also available as a family room. Please do not remove any articles or books, and we ask that each one is responsible for leaving the room and bathroom clean.

>Also please drink plenty of water.
If you feel sick for any reason, please contact Sherry or one of the administrators. We have a pharmacy on the property and usually have something to make you feel better. The signs of dehydration are: fatigue, dizzy, headache, upset stomach or any of the above. Please do not wait until you have all these symptoms to drink fluids all day long. If you feel you are getting dehydrated please let us know ASAP, and we can get you the right medicine and fluids for your body.

>Please do not leave the compound by yourself, always make sure your team is with you and it is always a good idea to have an English speaking Haitian with you as they know the country and their customs. Girls should never travel alone.

>All Guest House Payments must be paid upon arrival in full.  If you intend to go to the interior and return here, you must pay for the time that you occupy a bed or tent (if you leave for a time, and do not wish to pay for the time that you are not here, you must take your belongings with you so that we can use the bed or tent for another team member).

We accept cash or checks, but do not fill in a name.  Please leave that blank as OneStop, where we cash our checks, will not accept it otherwise.  Please pay Sherry and she will give you a receipt.

Airport pickup is $25 per vehicle each way. Please remind Sherry the day before your departure and you need to be at the Airport at least 2hrs prior.

>Each guest will pay $35.00 U.S. for a room and $30 U.S. for a tent - per day - per person. This will include breakfast and dinner.  A bell will ring announcing each meal at 8am and 5pm. If you would like to have lunch included in your stay, you must advise us IN ADVANCE and add $5.00 per person. Please note that if lunch is being served it is for a team that requested it only.

>Cokes and Sprites are available in the kitchen refrigerator for $1.00 U.S.  Please put your money in the round wooden container beside the refrigerator. There is also cold water which is free.

>We have 24/7 wireless internet. If you have trouble connecting please see or Sherry. We also have a computer that is available for limited use in room #3, and we also have a magic-jack phone for use for calls to the U.S. in the back of room #3. Please limit your calling time so that others may use the phone to call their loved ones. Please bring your own laptop if possible.

>Bathrooms and showers:  there is a bathroom in the kitchen first door on your left, also a bathroom and shower in room #3, an outdoor shower house with a bathroom to the right of the guest house and bathroom with 6 stalls between the church and the left side of the guesthouse.
We ask that when you take a shower, that you turn on the water and wet yourself, turn off the water and wash and then turn back on the water to rinse. This is a great help with our septic system.
And yes, I have to say this… please use only the smallest amount of toilet paper needed and ladies please do not flush any personal hygiene items down the toilet. This will almost ensure you that you will be cleaning up a mess in your bathroom.  Also if your toilet gets plugged please find a staff member and we will fix it, please do not use it if it gets plugged up. J

>We know that everyone that comes here takes pictures and videos. We ask that if they are only going to be used for personal use (facebook, family) that is great.

If you want to use any photos or videos of our children or compound for any other purpose (website, news articles, fundraising,) this will need to be authorized by our administration first. We must agree on your use of your pictures and or videos, and then you will need to read and sign our waiver and give it back to Sherry. This is for our protection and the children. Thank you!


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