March 28, 2012  Well I will have to start this out by saying not only am I at New Life, but, Danny my husband arrived at New Life this week...What a welcome he received.. He couldn't even get out of the vehicle as the kids came running off the soccer field to the car many much joy... I could really see in those kids eyes and hearts that when we were here, I could see that he made a love deposit in their hearts... I will tell you that my heart is not the same without him.. He loves me for who I am and has such a gentle heart after God, he is my rock. New Life is so much too so many people... For our children, it's their home, for our guest, it's a safe place that they can rest and relax, for others, it's a way to give what they have for a short time to people in need. What a great week it has been here at New Life....We have had so many teams here... some working with us and others using us as their base camp and some just needing a place to rest their heads for a night. One of my favorite things to do, is just to listen to the sounds of New Life... there is so much going on here, but so much peace at the same time... when I look out from the second floor I will see kids playing soccer, teams doing projects, people sitting under the veranda discussing their day, people resting under the Mango Tree... how awesome... but a couple of nights ago, something touched me so deeply.. I was in my room and I heard worship and it was so surreal.. I went out on the balcony at night and under the Mango Tree there was a team of young people worshipping with a guitar singing Amazing Grace...It was so beautiful... Under the Mango Tree, stars shining bright, after a long day doing their work in Haiti and it was like Heaven had fallen all over New Life... no big church, no one dressed up, no electric... just pure hearts singing to our God... That is one reason why I love this county and working here... because you only have what you have... there is know complaining, because whatever you have is still more than what most of the people in Haiti have... so all those things you thought you needed to survive and be happy... it comes down to just the basics... you, your heart and what you're willing to do with them... It's wonderful to have nice things and God wants us to be blessed because we are his children, but it is also so awesome to know that if you don't have any of that, that you can still love what you have and be thankful... I will say that being here has not been the easiest thing. Danny and I have come to Haiti not to dig in and work, but to remember why we loved it here so much and why Haiti is in our blood... is it just us or is it God? I can say that there hasn't been a day that has gone by that my joy has not been stolen... I mean I wake up really happy and I pray and then out of know where something will happen that will just take it away... Part of me knows that it's the devil wanting to ruin what God has for me for that day... but it's hard to break out of it. I talked to my mom about this and says ... Sherry, you just have to turn the page and move on as there will always be something, so just turn the page and tell the devil that he's not taking your joy. Easier said than done! But I keep watching my mom and I can't believe the things that she faces every day. Things that would make me angry or offend me and she just moves on like it didn't happen? And she never turns away from anyone that is in need even if it was a person that offended her in the past... hum.... That is really hard... I know it's the devil that is trying to ruin my day, but it's hard to get it out of your head... it's like he is sitting on your shoulder playing the same circumstance over and over in my ear and I just sit there and take it. In my mind I think he is laughing at me as he does this because it's so easy for him. So I know if I'm going to work here, I have to get stronger, he knows where I stand in my relationships and he's not even going there, so he finds what he knows offends me and just has a blast... so I was talking with someone about this and she said... Sherry, as soon as you feel an offense, don't get offended, but go straight to God and then let God deal with the circumstance... And I will have to say that I forget to do that... isn't that what my God wants me to do? I serve the most loving God and he cares for me and my heart... and here he is just waiting for me to say... ok with this for me as I can't and I don't want to... it's so easy, but so hard.. You just want to do it all by yourself and then you spend half your day concentrating on the offense and the devil ( I can just picture him) is sitting there laughing and saying wait till she sees what I have for her tomorrow... this is so easy and she is so easy to offend... One thing I know is that the devil spends his life finding ways to get our hearts off of God. Whether it is at home, your job, your family, or the mission field... because if he can keep you offended, then he can keep you from doing his work with your whole heart... well I have to say that I'm on to him! I will say that before I even get out of bed now, I am praying for my day. I am reading scriptures on offense and telling him that he will not steal my joy! I'm not saying that I have it all down perfect, but I have realized what he is doing and now that I've realized it, I'm going to fight back! One thing I am learning is that you can never put your guard down. He looks for your weaknesses and then he makes plans... so just because I've realized what he is doing, doesn't mean that I'm not looking and watching for what he is up to next. God said to guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows my life. And he also said... Bless those who curse you, love those who hate you, forgive those who use you...This is what I'm concentrating on right now and there will be plenty more to add... I heard this saying once and this is what I want for me...When I get up in the morning, I want the devil to say "oh heck" she's up!! Instead of me having to get on guard, I want him to get on guard and be afraid!! I know I have a long way to go in everything I do, but I want to grow and that's a scary Because as they say, a new level, a new devil... but just as God put me in boot camp and I look back now and see how much I grew... even though it was so hard... if I want victory in all aspects of my walk with God, then I have to say...ok God...lead and guide me... but I'll add in... please be gentle with I have to think of life as a battlefield, but the great thing is that we have already won! What I want to engrave in mind is that: We are not in this alone... he is just waiting for us to ask him for help. We don't have to fight the battles... they are God's... we just have to give them to him. Love and forgiveness win every time! Sending so much love to whoever reads this... you're not alone...J Dan and Sherry Frederick Moesly xxoo There is nothing impossible for God |
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