Their Cries Still Go Unheard In Memory of Alex who represents all the children we have buried throughout the years, and those whose cries still go unheard. Our hearts mourn for the loss of Alex, who passed away this month (Dec) from malnutrition. Alex was one of six children we brought back with us from a clinic we held in the remote mountain region near Pestel. We worked around the clock, trying to reverse his condition, but his little body was too far gone.
Please keep these children in your prayers. There are many who still suffer from hunger, and are dying of malnutrition and disease. It is not easily forgotten when you hold these children in your arms, hearing their moans, because they are too weak, and in too much pain to talk. Most people will never know what goes on with hunger as it escalates into horrible, painful, malnutrition. The pain Alex felt, and the fact he had nobody to hear his cries, and to nurture him back to health, is beyond words to explain. It's hard to imagine Christmas as a time to celebrate when there is so much suffering, but at New Life Children's Home, Christmas is a time for celebration and to be filled with joy. "They will call him Emmanuel- which means, God with us." Matthew 1:23
The Christ-child in the manger lived an amazing life. He opened the way to peace with God and offered us new hearts that will last for eternity. "This day is sacred to the LORD your God...Go and enjoy choice food and send some to those who have nothing prepared... Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." Nehemiah 8:9-10
Every child at New Life Children's Home is a miracle of God. Each one has a story similar to Alex's. Unfortunately for Alex, we got to him too late. No one should ever know the misery this child suffered. Over the years we have buried too many children like Alex. In the mountains their cry goes unheard and it's tragic this problem still exists.
We realize we can't save everyone but we can try to help as many as possible. Whether we are out in the remote villages, holding much needed clinics and distributing food where starvation is killing so many children, or bringing dying children back to New Life Children's Home, we know that your contributions are what keeps us moving on with our mission.You are an important part of this ministry.
We will have Alex's story in the upcoming newsleter.
We cannot express how thankful we are to you in these trying times, to be the faithful giver you have been. We appreciate you so much. May God bless you richly during this holiday season. |
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