In Haiti

6 ladies were in Haiti for 2 weeks. We were helping and giving at orphanages and for building projects. Be a part of this and pray and/or give!!

FW: News from: World Harvest Missions / New life Children's Home

From: World Harvest Missions []
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:45 PM
Subject: News from: World Harvest Missions / New life Children's Home

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World Harvest Missions

I must tell you this incredible story of what happened today but began yesterday...

As I began preparing and packing for Haiti yesterday, doing last minute office work, and necessary errands, (Daniel, my grandson, and Gesnel were also traveling with me), I began to feel an unusual heaviness and almost a fearfulness about our flight. As hard as I tried to shake it off, reminding myself that this was just me, or the enemy trying to bring a spirit of fear over me, I couldn't. God seemed to put a spirit of prayer on me and I just continued to pray throughout the day against any unforeseen problems, praying for safety. It continued through the evening, but I didn't mention it as I did not want to give place to it or cause alarm to the others going. I was awakened in the night with the same spirit of prayer to pray for the unusual...but I felt a lot of apprehension, wondering if we should go that day, but tickets were purchased, bags packed, and this was crazy to be concerned, I resolved.

I had called ahead to see about the possibility of getting better seats as Gesnel and I were way in the back to feel all the bumps, which makes me queasy. Daniel was stuck in a middle seat far away from us. They told us that the flight was full, over 184 people. My thoughts... "I hope they weigh everything well!" Daniel and I had weighed our six huge bags over and over, in and out of the van until our backs were sore, to be sure we did not go over limits as they will make you take it out right there and switch it all around.

Our good friends, John and Donna, picked us up in the morning and drove us to the airport in Miami. After unloading all the baggage and weighing them in, we were relieved to find they were all within the weight limits. After we were all settled down, we went to the gate, cleared security and got something to eat. I begged for a seat change but there were no options available.

Finally, it was time to board, but this huge, uncomfortable feeling would not go away even as we went down the walkway to board. It was packed, and the line moved slowly, everyone bringing as much luggage on the plane as possible. The line seemed to stop at the right place just before my next step to enter the plane. I always lay my hands on the outside of the plane and pray while entering, but the line just stopped moving, giving me a lot of time to really pray over this flight. I kept my hand on the plane for a lengthy period of time, quietly praying every scripture and prayer possible, not letting Daniel see my apprehension...

"Okay, the next step is inside. This step is it. God, we are in your hands now. There is no turning back. Okay, Miriam, just relax... How many times have you flown? A hundred or more? Enough of this now, you have learned over the years not to be fearful but to relax and enjoy the flight."

The Pilot came in and announced that they couldn't take off as they were waiting on a weight and balance it was a concern??? Finally, we were on our way. Gesnel fell asleep for awhile, then woke up as we passed through a storm. There was a huge bump as we took one of those unwelcomed dives. Now we were all awake! The rest of the flight was pretty smooth and finally we heard those welcomed words, "Please fasten your seat belts for landing."
"Look, Gesnel, there is the Dominican Republic, the huge mountains, and now the coastal villages where we work near Pestel." We were coming in through the south, which is so familiar. Then, there was PAP and the airport, and we began our descent for the landing. BUT what's going on? Now we are going back up? Okay, so the aircraft has to circle, and circle, and circle, and climb higher and higher. Now we are in Jeremie, at the other end of the island, and then back across the D.R. and out over the ocean again.

Finally, an announcement from the Captain...a hush came over the cabin as he said in a very firm and serious tone, "Unfortunately, we cannot land. We have mechanical problems that cannot be repaired on the ground but will have to be repaired in the air."

Of course we weren't told what the problems were, but from then on there was total quiet as tension mounted and we seemed to fly forever over Haiti, the D.R., and the ocean. So many questions..."We can't land? Was it an engine or landing gears that went out?" You look down at the miles below you and know that somehow you have to get down, but how? No word. I think everyone was praying. It felt like panic was going to set in with some passengers soon if something did not change. God brought to my mind at that very moment, the scripture in Acts 27 about Paul traveling by ship to Rome. Although there was a storm and damage, Paul admonished them not to fear, that although the ship would be lost, everyone would arrive safely.

I began to wonder, "How much gas is left?" No word from the front! Finally, all the flight attendants were called to the front cockpit door for a conference. They came back half way and stopped at the emergency exits. Gesnel said, "Mimi why are you praying so much!" I guess he saw my silent prayers. Comforting him, I said, "Oh, I'm always praying for things!" But I know everyone was praying then...there were a lot of mission teams on board this flight.

The flight attendants gave people sitting in the emergency exit rows instructions on how to open the doors if directed. Then the attendants examined each row of seats together one row at a time, telling us to move every bag away from our feet. One of the attendants whispered to me, "Hold him tight." The captain announced that we were going to land. We didn't know whether or not the problem had been fixed, but he told us not to be alarmed if we saw the fire trucks and emergency vehicles, ambulances, etc. coming out onto the runway, as they were there as a precautionary measures. No one made a sound as we prepared to land...we made it!!!
The entire plane broke out into the biggest applause you ever heard! I wondered about Daniel and how he was doing. People began randomly yelling out, "Praise the Lord!"

We found out it was the plane's flaps that refused to go down, but God intervened and our plane landed safely. We saw the pilots all around us with their manuals out, so I don't know if the problem was repaired or if they just took a chance hoping that the problem was resolved, but for everyone on board, it sure felt good to be on the ground!

Arriving at New Life, Daniel, Gesnel and I were greeted by all the kids running to give us all hugs and kisses. Thank God, He heard our prayers...He is an Awesome God!

Miriam, Daniel and Gesnel...Safe in Haiti.

Miriam Frederick
Director: World Harvest Missions 
New Life Children's Home in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, was established in 1977. Our desire for the children at NLCH is that each child in our care know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Our goal is to impart hope and a renewed vision for their future through teaching the wisdom of God's Word and equipping and preparing them through education and training to reach their potential as influential leaders in their homes, communities and nation. 

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P. O. Box 6462                              
Lake Worth, Florida 33466
(561) 868-5005

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