In Haiti

6 ladies were in Haiti for 2 weeks. We were helping and giving at orphanages and for building projects. Be a part of this and pray and/or give!!

Update from New life Children's Home in Haiti Aug 2 2011

From: World Harvest Missions []
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2011 6:50 AM
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World Harvest Missions

As the sun went down: Son Son appeared


Patty Meyer
Today was another day of one step forward, one to the side, one back and then forward.  We haven't left the premises of New Life for the past two days. Cathy Jones arrived late afternoon yesterday.  She is settling in and spent the day cleaning, sorting, and loving the kids.  Instead of giving you more details of our time - I feel like I would rather just share a short story with you.  It certainly had a big impact on me, and I hope you will be able to understand why.

In February of this year when Renee (Plaza) and I were in Haiti, we visited another orphanage which was established after the earthquake.  We were very appalled at the conditions and the innocent children seemed sad and hungry for attention and love.  While I was walking around the small area there, I found a young boy about 10 years old at my side.  He had the most angelic face with eyes that I can't even describe.  They were huge and just drew me into his soul.  I hugged him over and again and we held hands for the duration of our visit. He told me his name was Son Son.  I pointed him out to Renee and Miriam and said, "This boy does not belong here."  Miriam conversed with him in Creole and said he sounded very intelligent and she could tell that he probably had attended school in the past.  This would mean he came from a family who could afford schooling - an exception. We learned his parents were killed in the earthquake, but we weren't clear on how he ended up in this particular orphanage.  When we left that day, I couldn't get the face of this dear boy out of my head. 

In the weeks that followed, Miriam made trips back to this orphanage to bring them food. On several occasions she even brought some of the children from her orphanage, New Life, to help care and entertain the children and to do laundry and other tasks.  From that aspect, I kept up with his life.  I even received a few photos of him. He still appeared distraught to me - or maybe I was distraught for him.

Several weeks ago I learned that they located an uncle of Son Son's and that he was now living with his uncle.  While I had no idea of the conditions at his uncle's home - I felt relief that he was free of the oppression I felt when I met him at the orphanage.

When I arrived at New Life last week, Miriam shared that Son Son was coming to New Life with his uncle for a visit.  She said she wanted to talk with his uncle to learn of his current living conditions, and she thought I would enjoy seeing him.  Well - during dinner time tonight we looked out and saw a young boy and a man sitting on a bench under the infamous mango tree.  Renee and I walked out to the tree and saw that it was Son Son.  I'm sure he didn't remember me, but how I remembered him.  Again - his eyes looking up at me brought me to his side so I could hold him once again.  As per usual - the language barrier stood its ground between us. 

Miriam was at the orphanage and had someone bring Son Son to her.  She explained to him that if he would like to, she would talk with his uncle and maybe he could stay at a new orphanage which was being prepared for the children currently living at the tent city orphanage. It was decided that she would get in contact with him at that point.  When Son Son returned to the mango tree on the other side of the property his uncle was gone but his backpack remained.  I saw Son Son walking alone across the property and I assumed then he had come to stay.  I could feel tears coming as I couldn't imagine this child losing his parents, being confined at the first orphanage, and now leaving his uncle for yet another orphanage.  But soon I was told the truth - the uncle had left him behind and Son Son had no choice but to stay at New Life.  Miriam tried calling the uncle several times - but he didn't answer his phone. 

Son Son was then welcomed with open arms. He hadn't eaten all day, so was promptly fed. Then devotions began and I had him sit with the boys. After the singing ended Miriam asked the children if they remembered how they felt when they first came to New Life - she elaborated on how awful it feels to be sad and lonely. Then she had Son Son come forward.  She asked for all boys age 11 - the age of Son Son to come forward as well and they introduced themselves to him and each one hugged him tightly.  (Of course I'm nearly sobbing by then!) Then he put his arms around Miriam's waist and she told him he was a very special boy that Jesus sent to New Life and that she loved him very much.

When devotions ended, other children came forward to welcome him and one of the Nannies took him by the hand and walked him around to receive additional hugs - and I was able to do just that.  Then they walked to the boy's dorm to show him a bed another boy had given up for him. I hope as I write this that Son Son is fast asleep and God's love that was given to him by many has erased any fears and replaced it with peace. 

What else is there to say .... Please pray for Son Son.
Patty Meyer, Sponsorship Coordinator
New Life Children's Home

Miriam Frederick
Director: World Harvest Missions 
New Life Children's Home in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, was established in 1977. Our desire for the children at NLCH is that each child in our care know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Our goal is to impart hope and a renewed vision for their future through teaching the wisdom of God's Word and equipping and preparing them through education and training to reach their potential as influential leaders in their homes, communities and nation. 

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