In Haiti

6 ladies were in Haiti for 2 weeks. We were helping and giving at orphanages and for building projects. Be a part of this and pray and/or give!!

Fall Fair Gates Fundraiser Aug 19 2011

Huge THANK YOU goes out to all who helped run the Fall Fair gates, we really couldnt have done it without you!! and another big thank you to everyone who participated in the 'give a dollar for Haiti' at the front gates, we were given a total of $204! and we will be paid hopefully soon for running the gates. I hear it's about $2000.00!!  

Yes, we got wet and TIRED, but it was worth it, just knowing how many little mouths we can feed with that money! I just got a confirmation on our itinerary, and we will be using some of the Haiti money to feed 5 orphanages full of starving children. What an amazing privilege to be a part of this!

We leave in 4 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO excited, so nervous!

On a personal note, it sure was alot of fun stamping hands and seeing the generosity of so many in this town we call home. If I didnt say hi to you when you came through the front gates, it's because i was so busy stamping hands and ripping tickets and punching holes in them!!  

I am humbled by the generous time people put in to help out our group to fill all those time slots for the gates. And 2 other girls from the Hands for Haiti group- Kori Bourdeaux and Melanie Stenhouse, worked so hard every day at the gates too. I definitely couldnt have done it without them!

Please be praying for us, as you think of us. There will be some definite challenges along the way, one of them being how to wisely use the money. We will be seeing alot of really hurting and hungry people and pray for us, that we would be changed in a good way because of it. That our hearts would be on giving God the honor and glory for the money He led you to give that we can use to help these people. That we would remember that He loves them so much more than we do. And that when we are overwhelmed, as I am sure we each will be at times, that we would keep our focus on Him, and find His comfort and strength to make it through each day. Pray that we would be changed by what we see, that we would be ever more thankful, content people, ready to give until we cant give any more.

I can only imagine what they suffer each day, going hungry so often, having children to feed and illnesses that cant be treated because of lack of money. I went shopping for a few shirts 2 days ago, and was struck by how blessed I am in this country. That I have so many clothes, a different shirt for each day, skirts, shorts, dresses, jeans, pants. And there are so many people out there that have only one set of clothes, or just 2, and I know something about them. They will greet me with a smile. Somehow they can still be happy with so little. It's something I saw so often in Africa and am convinced I will see again in Haiti. Praise the Lord for His bounty in this country, and may He make us ever mindful of those with ACTUAL needs. May you be blessed today, knowing that you have been a part of not only giving us this amazing experience of growth, but that God is using you to touch so many lives out there that have tremendously huge needs. 

God bless you and remember to pray for us and the people of Haiti.  

All my love,
Christine Mann 

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