In Haiti

6 ladies were in Haiti for 2 weeks. We were helping and giving at orphanages and for building projects. Be a part of this and pray and/or give!!

Update from New Life Childrens Home July 12 2011

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World Harvest Missions

I wanted to say thank you for your gifts and prayers for World Harvest/New Life Children's Home. As I am writing this to you, I know that times are really hard right now and I want you to know that when you give to New Life Children's Home, it really does make a difference. I wish everyone had the chance to experience what its like to spend some time at New Life. I know that everyone cannot, but I want to tell you that from the moment that the gates open, you go from a world of chaos, to a place of peace... its hard to explain, but you know you're safe, you know God is present...a refuge. When you start walking around you notice the kids playing, you hear laughter, you see smiles and you get plentyevery child has a story... of hugs. What you really don't notice is that every child you see at New Life came with a story. Sometimes I even forget that, as the kids are so happy.  The story I am about to tell you, I knew, as this young boy was brought to New Life after the earthquake and I was there, but it's so easy to forget as time goes on that

One day a few months ago, we had a video team at New Life and they wanted some of the children to tell how they came to New Life. Everything was set up and my mom (Miriam) was going to interpret for them. I didn't think it was going to be a big deal as I knew most of their stories. The first child that we brought up was Stevenson. A bright young boy, with an amazing smile, always willing to help, does well in school, just totally lovable. Stevenson started telling his story and this is what he said....

" The day of the earthquake,  I came home from school, and was playing upstairs in my bedroom with my best friend. My sister
Stevenson Louis
was down stairs with my Dad. My Mom had just come from the market and was cooking dinner"... he paused and then said, "all of sudden the house started shaking and I started screaming, Mommy, Mommy!" He paused again, his voice trembling as he spoke, tears rolling down from his eyes as he was remembering the most tragic day of his life. He said, "The floor fell in and I was still yelling,  Mommy help me!" By now he was staring straight ahead, reliving every moment. My mom was standing beside him crying, we were all crying...but what I noticed, was that the kids that were watching were crying too, they were hurting for their brother. He continued and said that when he woke up, he didn't know where he was and was so scared. His Mother, Father and best friend died when the house fell on them, his sister was brought to the hospital too, but died before he woke up, so he never saw any of his family again. He was totally alone. The hospital brought him to New Life."

Stevenson just wrapped his arms around my mom and she just held him so tight. We were all crying for this young boy who was now our child. The kids were crying and were hugging their brother. This was a moment I will never's a moment that I don't ever want to forget, because it reminds me that every child at New Life has a story. I will tell you that Stevenson's recovery was not was not easy. He was filled with anger, bitterness and guilt. It took a lot of time and love to get him where he is today. If New Life Children's Home was not available to him, he would have been put on the streets to end up stealing and begging, but to look at him today makes my heart smile. Keeping New Life Children's Home running is more than a full time job, but when you look at the kids that are there and think of where they would be without all of us, its unimaginable. I will tell you that this is Stevenson's story, but it doesn't define him; because of your faithfulness, he has a family that loves him and his future is full of anything that he wants it to be. Because of you... he has a family and a future...and he is so loved.

 Sherry Frederick Moesly xxoo

Miriam Frederick
Director: World Harvest Missions 
New Life Children's Home in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, was established in 1977. Our desire for the children at NLCH is that each child in our care know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Our goal is to impart hope and a renewed vision for their future through teaching the wisdom of God's Word and equipping and preparing them through education and training to reach their potential as influential leaders in their homes, communities and nation. 

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World Harvest Missions                
P. O. Box 6462                              
Lake Worth, Florida 33466
(561) 868-5005

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