In Haiti

6 ladies were in Haiti for 2 weeks. We were helping and giving at orphanages and for building projects. Be a part of this and pray and/or give!!

Update from New Life Childrens Home July 6 2011

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World Harvest Missions

"There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all." 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'" Matthew 19:14

The passage above, 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, has never been more evident as it has this summer.  God has brought many different people to the New Life Children's Home family, which is one small piece of the family of Christ Jesus. Every one of you plays such an important role, whether you're here to stay in Haiti for a long time, short time, or only in thought and prayer.
We have been abundantly blessed through the teams and individuals willing to stay with us. They have all be unique in the gifts that they bring. Some people come ready to do construction while others are ready to paint and add beauty to the property. Yet still there are those that come with the sole purpose of loving our children through hugs and smiles. All of these activities help make New Life Children's Home unique from the broken-down world outside our gates.
Amazingly the love people have shown here at NLCH is spreading to the community and other parts of Haiti. We have had more teams focusing on distributing food and presenting the gospel at the tent cities, holding clinics for some of the orphanages struggling to care for their children while providing hot meals, and even taking the time to bathe children properly for possibly the first time in their lives. There is no end to the need, but little by little, we are striving to improve the quality of life for those God has put before us with the help of those obedient to serving Christ.
It is not just the people here in Haiti making a difference; it is everyone at home lifting up the children, staff, and ministry in prayer. We must remember that we are not just fighting against poverty, disease, and starvation; we are fighting a spiritual battle in Childa country devoted to Voodoo. Without the prayers for wisdom, protection, and God's leading, we would not be able to accomplish His works.
Another branch of ministry is the growing sponsorship program we have. You would not believe how much joy the children experience when they receive a photo or letter. It makes the kids know that there are people all over the world that care about New Life, but more importantly, they know there is someone out there thinking about them specifically. It is difficult to give individual attention to over one hundred children, but the sponsors are able to fill part of that void through prayer, encouragement, and love.
We, at New Life, are grateful for the diversity of gifts and ministries because together we are one body-the body of Christ. 

Sarah Cooman
New Life Children's Home

Miriam Frederick
Director: World Harvest Missions 
New Life Children's Home in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, was established in 1977. Our desire for the children at NLCH is that each child in our care know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Our goal is to impart hope and a renewed vision for their future through teaching the wisdom of God's Word and equipping and preparing them through education and training to reach their potential as influential leaders in their homes, communities and nation. 

                                                              Please Visit our websites
World Harvest Missions                
P. O. Box 6462                              
Lake Worth, Florida 33466
(561) 868-5005

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